Charitable Relief

If you are an organisation registered as a charity, listed on the register by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), with a property occupied by your organisation and used wholly or mainly for charitable purposes, you may be entitled to 80% mandatory rates relief.

Councils could also offer up to 20% additional relief on top of the 80%. This would mean that you wouldn’t have to pay any rates at all.

Some Councils may also choose to offer up to 100% relief on properties used by other not-for-profit organisations such as;

  • Those who carry out work for charitable, philanthropic or religious purposes, or
  • Those who are concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature or the fine arts

Please note that under certain circumstances, you may be entitled to more than one type of relief. These include the following;

To discuss any of these relief opportunities in further detail, or for assistance in applying, please contact our Rating team direct via