Welcome to the Geise Farm Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Public Consultation

Ecocel Services Ltd are preparing an application for Planning Permission for the development of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) on land at Geise Farm, B874, near Thurso, KW14 7XH. The application will seek planning permission for: 


Development of a battery energy storage system with a maximum capacity of 49.9MW, comprising of up to 40 storage containers, control buildings, transformers, landscaping, lighting, CCTV, formation of access, and associated works.”

The site subject to this Proposal is shown bound in red on the plan below:


Ecocel Services Ltd are delighted to be bringing this proposal forward for development, and are keen to engage further with the local community to hear your views about the scheme and how we can work with you to deliver the right proposal for this location.

A Proposal of Application Notice has now been submitted to The Highland Council, outlining the consultation activities that will be undertaken before a planning application has been submitted. A copy of this notice has also been delivered to:

  • Cllr Ron Gunn;
  • Cllr Struan Mackie;
  • Cllr Matthew Reiss;
  • Cllr Karl Rosie;
  • Jamie Stone MP;
  • Maree Todd MSP;
  • Caithness West Community Council; and
  • Castletown Community Council

We will be holding two in-person consultation events so you can meet the project team, find out more about the scheme generally, and ask any questions you have about the proposals. The first of these will be held on the 18th September 2024 between 4pm – 7pm in the Georgina Suite of the Pentland Hotel, Princes Street, Thurso, KW14 7AA. The event is a drop-in exhibition format, so you can arrive at anytime between 4pm and 7pm.

A second consultation event is currently scheduled for the 28th October 2024 between 4pm and 7pm. This will also be hosted at the Pentland Hotel. The second consultation is an opportunity for the project team to provide feedback on how the scheme has evolved following the initial consultation event.

At this stage, comments submitted are comments to the project team, and are not formal comments to the Highland Council on the planning application. Comments on the application can be made once the detailed application has been submitted, and this web page will be updated to confirm when this has been submitted.

In the meantime, details on where to submit comments to the project team can be found at the bottom of this page, as well as on the feedback forms and presentation boards.

The Proposal

The Geise Farm BESS will have a total storage capacity of up to 49.99MW and comprise the following elements:

  • Up to 40 battery storage containers, each measuring 12.2m x 2.4m, with a maximum height of 2.6m, featuring integrated air conditioning and ventilation, and external ventilation. The containers will be arranged in pairs, with each pair sharing a small transformer;
  • Control building housing switch gear and electrical gear, measuring approx. 3m x 5m x 2.8m;
  • 8m high security fence;
  • 4 x CCTV masts with cameras;
  • Lighting poles;
  • Landscaping;
  • Surface water drainage system;
  • Parking; and
  • New access arrangement from the B874.

(Please note all dimensions are indicative at this stage)

The site at Geise Farm has been chosen because of its proximity to the Thurso substation, a short distance to the east. Initial assessments have also indicated that the site is relatively free of ecological constraints, surface water flood risk can be mitigated, and the natural topography will help screen the development from public view.

Battery Energy Storage

Battery Energy Storage Systems, or BESS for short, are installations which allow excess electricity from the grid to be captured and stored in batteries during periods of low-demand, and then released back into the grid during high demand. This is particularly useful for capturing energy from renewable sources, such as wind or solar, which may be generated at times when it is not as in-demand (i.e. during the day) to be utilised later at peak times when the power is needed most.

The use of BESS developments is of national importance in order to balance the peaks and troughs of electricity supply and demand, and mitigate strain on transmission and distribution networks to keep the grid stable.

The proposed Geise Farm BESS would utilise Lithium-Ion batteries (Li-ion), which are the most common storage technology for large scale BESS installations across the UK. This uses the same type of battery technology as used in a variety of everyday electronics, such as wireless headphones, power tools, mobile phones, and electric cars.

BESS developments are increasing in number across Scotland, and are being used to future-proof the energy system for decarbonisation over the coming decades to provide consistent and reliable energy from low-carbon sources. They are a crucial part of the energy infrastructure that will allow wide-spread use of renewable energy generating technology, and therefore enable Scotland to achieve its net-zero goals.

The battery systems proposed for Geise Farm will meet all relevant industry safety standards and ensure a high-level of performance. The batteries themselves do not create emissions and are entirely inert devices. As with any electrical system, there is some risk of fire (just as there is in the home), but such risks are considered low. Appropriate mitigation and best-practice can avoid most of the negative effects of this. For example, the storage containers are not proposed to be located adjacent to any residential properties, and will be fitted with temperature monitoring systems and fire suppression features to automatically tackle a fire in the event of one starting.

The Geise Farm BESS development is intended to have an operational lifespan of 40 years, after which the site will be remediated to its previous state.

The Applicant

Ecocel started life in 2012 as Ecocel Renewables based in Hamilton. Initially we developed wind farm assets and carried out major component repair and inspection. We then moved into asset management and operations and maintenance. Our primary customers are high wealth investor groups and individuals and stringent grid network suppliers, Scottish Power, Ventient Energy, SSE and Arevon Energy. 

Ecocel Services Ltd is an offshoot of Ecocel, which runs BESS, windfarm and Hydrogen station projects across the UK.

Community Benefit

Ecocel Services Ltd is committed to providing a Community Benefit Fund for use by the local community. This would be a financial package that makes payments to local communities, or facilitates the delivery of projects on their behalf. While the Community Benefit Fund is not a material consideration in the determination of a planning application, it is only deliverable if the proposal receives planning consent and progresses to development.

The delivery of benefits from the Community Benefit Fund is independent from the other socioeconomic benefits that may accrue from the development taking place, such as construction job opportunities, biodiversity enhancement from landscaping, or upgrades to local infrastructure.

At this stage, we would welcome input from the local community for ideas about where Community Benefit Funds could be directed. We will also seek to work with Caithness West Community Council as to how potential funds could be distributed.

Development Benefits

  • Locally-sourced employment during construction phase;
  • Operational-stage employment opportunities in a modern, future-proofed sector;
  • Indirect benefits to local economy (i.e. accommodation, plant hire, etc.)
  • Introduction of landscaping screening, shielding view of the development and enhancing the visual environment; and
  • Biodiversity enhancement

Next Steps…

Our first public consultation event is being held at the Pentland Hotel, Thurso between 4pm and 7pm on the 18th September. Following this event, a digital copy of the presentation boards will be made available on this website for those that could not attend.

We welcome comments on these proposals to be submitted to the applicant’s agent by the following methods:

By Post:

Murray Rankin

Graham + Sibbald

233 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5QY

Tel: 07803 896 942

Email: murray.rankin@g-s.co.uk

A second consultation event is currently scheduled to be held on the 28th October 2024, also between 4pm and 7pm at the Pentland Hotel, Thurso.

We would ask that all comments on the proposed development be submitted by Friday 8th November 2024.

Please note: Comments submitted at this stage are not representations to The Highland Council. There will be an opportunity to make representations to the Council if a planning application is made.